Deep Life

Discover two popular Cenotes

Cenote Calavera And Eden Garden

Quick details





Ages 15+


6:45 a.m – 1:45 p.m


Long Wetsuits are Mandatory


Full Day


Certified Divers Only, Certified Divers Only with experience



Dive at Cenotes Calavera &
Car Wash

Discover two popular cenotes, Calavera and Car Wash!

Cenote Calavera, which means “Skull Cave” is also known as “Temple of Doom.” To enter, we pass through a hole on the rocky surface. The cavern area is huge, with big rocks in the center. As you look up, with a little imagination, you might recognize the skull.

The second cenote dive is at Garden of Eden, an amazing open Cenote great for swimmers, snorkelers and of course divers, with a width of more than 50 meters/150 feet in the open area. There is also a cliff for jumping with a near 12-foot jump, as well as a tree that people jump of off that is even higher.

In the middle of the cenote are rocks were that once part of the top of the cenote that are now submerged about 1 foot underwater. This make for a nice place to rest and snorkel. The cavern is spectacular with amazing lights


Dive at Cenotes Calavera &
Car Wash

Discover two popular cenotes, Calavera and Car Wash!

Cenote Calavera, which means “Skull Cave” is also known as “Temple of Doom.” To enter, we pass through a hole on the rocky surface. The cavern area is huge, with big rocks in the center. As you look up, with a little imagination, you might recognize the skull.

The second cenote dive is at Garden of Eden, an amazing open Cenote great for swimmers, snorkelers and of course divers, with a width of more than 50 meters/150 feet in the open area. There is also a cliff for jumping with a near 12-foot jump, as well as a tree that people jump of off that is even higher.

In the middle of the cenote are rocks were that once part of the top of the cenote that are now submerged about 1 foot underwater. This make for a nice place to rest and snorkel. The cavern is spectacular with amazing lights


Our services


Cenote dive at Calavera and Garden of Eden

Light lunch

Lunch and drinks are included (you can choose tacos or baguettes)


Personal instructor/dive guide

Small groups

Small groups: 1:2 – 1:4


Scuba lamp


Round-trip transportation is included from any hotel in Cancun or Riviera Maya.


Our first dive

In the day is at the shipwreck, diving through the three levels including the machine room and captain’s room, we continue if the air allows us, in a reef just a few feets distance from the shipwreck, this is the southern part of the Chan- ka-naab Reef.

Finishing this dive will provide lunch ., its time to rest and do our surface interval .

Our second dive

Will be on one of the beautiful reefs that Cozumel offers, with more than 10 different options to choose from. Drift diving for this second dive.

The current for these dives is medium to strong. The visibility as in the whole island is impressive. Without a doubt, this shipwreck diving experience is one that you should have on the island of Cozumel.

Ending dives will take you back depending on the option you prefer to do this is back to the ferry or back to playa del carmen direct on the speed boat .

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